V12 Headline New Features
Scroll through this document to see a description of new features in v12.
If you have an active subscription to Xara Web Designer+ purchased from Xara, then these updates are free. If
you are an owner of an older version purchased from Magix, then check out our current offers on upgrades.
You can find details on updates after November 2017 (v15) here.
Last updated 21 - Nov - 2017
Update Service
We know that many of you find it frustrating to have to wait a whole year for our next update - knowing
that we are working on (and likely finished) new cutting edge features and on-trend content. From our
side, developing features for 12 months before they are released is equally frustrating. We would rather get
features into your hands as soon as they are done.
So we’re changing the model. We are moving away from yearly releases, and even from ‘headline’ version
For the 365 days from purchase you’ll get access to new feature, updates and content. At the end of the
365 days you can choose to upgrade again, or not. If you choose not to, then the online services (the online
Content Catalog) will be removed or restricted (these are online services anyway that would typically be
part of a subscription).
It’s important to note this is not a subscription service. Unlike other products such as Office 365, or Adobe
Creative Cloud, the program you purchase is yours to keep, and will keep functioning with no further
purchases, but after 365 days you’ll stop getting access to updates, new content, and the online services if
you choose not to upgrade.
This new approach also means features developed during the next year, which would typically be part of
next year’s update, will be made available as soon as they are completed. So you’re getting next year’s
features included in this year’s product.
We believe this move away from once-a-year major updates, towards a more regular update process is
better for our customers.
The Update Service gives you 365 days access to:
The new Online Content Catalog, including any new templates, graphics and designs, photo filters
and SmartShapes released during that time
New features, upgrades and patches to Designer Pro released in the 365 days after you purchase
and register. Note: these updates continue to work after 365 days but if you reinstall the software
after the Update Service expires (and you don’t renew) then it will be the same version and feature
set as you originally purchased.
Selection Improvements
Selector Tool Handles (Mar 2017)
Now when you select a photo or SmartShape in the Selector tool, you see smart handles without having to
first switch into the Photo Tool or Quickshape Tool, so you can directly edit these objects without having to
switch tools. You can revert to showing the normal selection bounds handle using the toggle button
the left of the Selector Tool infobar.
Selection of Embedded, Anchored and Repeating objects (Mar 2017)
When you embed a single object in text, you can now directly select that object in the text instead of
selecting the “Embedded group” that encloses it. A similar improvement has been made for anchored
objects, repeating objects and live copies.
Paste to selected pages (Mar 2017)
You can now paste the contents of the clipboard to any number of pages in your document. Simply select
the pages you want to paste to in the Page & Layer Gallery. Ctrl+click on a page thumbnail to add it to the
selection, or use Shift+click to add a range of pages to the selection. Then paste (Ctrl+V). This is especially
useful if you have copied a repeating object that you only want on some pages of a document.
New Reveal Animations (Premium)
40 new reveal animation types have been added to the Reveal/Scroll tab of the Web Animation dialog
(Utilities menu), in addition to the simple slide and fade animations that were in Designer 11.
Reveal animations happen as you scroll, or reveal, parts of the website. It’s a fashionable effect that can
highlight specific content and makes websites more interactive and fun. But in addition to all the new
animation types we’ve added scroll-linked animations and parallax scrolling effects.
When you select the ‘Scroll animations’
option, from the same Reveal/Scroll tab
of the Web Animation dialog (menu
Utilities > Web Animation…) the top
item in the drop-down menu is called
‘Parallax’ followed by a long list of
alternate scroll animations.
The ‘speed’ slider determines how fast
the animation runs relative to the
scrolling speed. So if it’s set to a high
value the animation completes quickly,
almost as soon as you scroll it up into view, so the object will only be animating when it first appears close
to the bottom of the window. If speed is set to a low value, the object won’t complete its animation until it’s
scrolled much further up the window.
Note that you can’t have a scroll animation on a sticky object or an object set to ‘stick at top’.
Parallax Scrolling
Parallax scrolling is where some objects on your page scroll at a different rate to others, giving a parallax
effect. The ‘Parallax’ option appears at the top of the list of scroll animation types. The speed slider
determines how fast the object scrolls relative to other objects on the page, with values between 100%
(moves same as normal objects) and 0% (which means it sticks on the page). So with a midway setting,
items will scroll 50% of the usual scroll speed. If set very low, the object hardly moves at all as other objects
scroll past it. If set very high the object scrolls at almost the same rate as the other page content. So the
most useful speed values are towards the middle, but you can experiment with different speeds.
Note: If you have a low parallax scroll speed, items below the bottom edge of the browser window may
never appear.
How to Use Reveal, Scroll and Parallax Animations.
Select the item you want to apply the animation to. Select the menu Utilities > Web Animation… and the
Reveal/Scroll tab and one of the options described above. When experimenting it’s best to click Apply on
this dialog, because this keeps the dialog on screen so and you can change the selection or change options
and just click Apply again, instead of having to bring the dialog up every time you want to make a change.
To see the animation in operation click the ‘Preview web page’ icon
on the top line of icons. This opens
a web browser to preview the animation. You can open the page in any installed web browser by clicking
the appropriate browser icon in the preview window.
Improved Page Transitions (Nov 2016)
Page transitions (animation shown when moving from one page to another in a web browser) have been
improved so that they are smoother, more reliable and more consistent across the different web browsers
and devices.
New Group export option (Mar 2017)
Normally if you group multiple objects together, those objects are exported as a single image in your
published website.
For example if you group a photo with its
caption text, the whole group, photo plus
text, appears as an image in your website, so
the text is not selectable in the web browser.
Now there is a new option to control how
groups are exported, in the Utilities > Web
Properties dialog, in the Image tab. See the
Group images section at the bottom of the
By default, existing groups and new groups
are set to One image for whole group, so
groups will export to your website as with
earlier versions of Designer. But if you
change the setting to Separate images for
all group members, then the grouped
objects will export individually as if they
were not grouped at all.
It’s not advisable to use this new option on
very complex groups such artwork that is
made up of tens or even hundreds of vector
shapes. It’s more efficient for such groups to
export into the website as a single image, as
with earlier versions of Designer. But for
simpler groups such as a group of photos,
it’s best if they are set to export separately
because then each object can have its own
individual settings. For example each photo
could be set to be a popup, or have its own reveal animation.
And it’s especially useful for groups containing text, so the text remains as text in the published site.
Once you have changed this new property on a group, so it’s set to Separate images for group members,
Designer will then allow you to set properties on the objects inside the group. You can use Ctrl+click to
select objects inside the group and then apply links, reveal animations, etc. to the objects.
Full Width Photo Slider (Premium - Mar 2017)
The Xara Slideshow widget (the first item in folder Components > Image Resources > Photo Slideshows
& Galleries) now supports the option to make the photos span the full width of the browser window.
To turn this option on, right-click on the widget on the page, choose Web Sticky/Stretchy… in the context
menu and turn on the Full Width option in the Sticky/Stretchy dialog.
There are significant enhancements to the SmartShape system and new SmartShapes that are a lot more
powerful and complex and begin to show the real power of this system.
New chart and photo grid SmartShapes
SmartShapes are a way enhanced functionality can be added to Designer. SmartShapes are plug-ins. We
(and soon third parties) will continue to release new SmartShapes. Each SmartShape incorporates its own
editing controls, usually in the form of small handles you drag to adjust the shape.
Although there are simple SmartShapes that are just a single shape, such as the arrow designs, the
underlying SmartShape architecture now supports much more complex examples, including charts and
percentage segment indicators, grids of photos that can be customized and improved smart text panels.
Some examples of percentage segment SmartShapes.
Enter a new value and the chart adjusts. Or drag to on the chart and the value adjusts.
These SmartShapes are automatically matched to your website Theme Color
SmartShapes are entirely self-contained. No new tools are required. You just double-click on the
SmartShape to reveal its editing controls.
Bar & Column chart label and value text (Mar 2017)
Now when you change the appearance of a chart label, such as changing the font, font size or color, that
change is immediately replicated across the other labels for each bar. However this only happens if those
other labels have the same text style applied (usually “Bar chart labels”). So if you want one of the labels to
be different, perhaps to highlight one of the bars, simply give it a different style or use the No style option
in the styles menu to remove the style. The same happens with the value text.
Improved SmartShape Editing
Web Designer now shows larger and clearer handles on
SmartShapes when editing. You can edit SmartShape simply by
double-clicking on the shape in the Selector tool. Alternatively,
select them using the QuickShape (or rectangle or ellipse) tools
from main tool bar.
When selected the SmartShape will show a set of control handles on and around the shape, like this:
As with all SmartShapes, double-click on the SmartShape to go into the QuickShape tool and reveal the
control handles.
Instead of complex dialogs, or charting tools, almost all aspects of chart SmartShapes can be adjusted by
simply dragging on the control handles, or directly editing the labels and values. Below is an annotated
diagram of the controls.
Move the mouse pointer over each handle for a tip on what each does.
Entering precise chart values: You can drag the bars to adjust the value. If you need more resolution or
accuracy, just zoom in and drag. Alternatively you can enter any precise numeric value, even with decimal
places, using the Text Tool.
The example chart SmartShapes are quite simple, but we anticipate that we, and third parties, will release
more powerful charting SmartShapes over time. These will just appear in the Content Catalog as we make
them available.
Customizing Bar & Column Chart Colors and Text
You can change the colors of charts easily just by selecting the whole chart and clicking a color on the color
line or dragging a color onto the SmartShape.
The Replace Colors dialog appears to let you choose which of the colors in the chart you would like to
replace with your chosen color.
Alternatively the Color Editor to edit the colors - the list of replaceable colors appears at the top of the
color editor, so select the color you want to edit from that list.
Sometimes you may need to do more than just replace or edit the existing colors in the chart. You can
select a specific bar or column inside the chart using the normal ‘select inside’ short-cut of Ctrl+clicking on
it in the Selector Tool. That selects just that bar/column inside the chart. Then you can change its color
directly, or its outline, or even change the type of its fill using the Fill Tool. If you want to copy the style of
one bar onto the other bars, first copy (Ctrl+C) the selected bar to the clipboard. Then select one of the
other bars and use Edit > Paste > Paste format/attributes or the simpler short cut Ctrl+Shift+A.
Changing Label and Value Text Styles
The Chart labels and value can be edited using the Text Tool. You can apply the usual text attributes, to
adjust the appearance of the text. Both the labels and values have separate Text Styles applied, and so by
using the usual Text Style update to apply any style change to all the labels or values. (From the InfoBar
menu of the Text Tool, select the Style drop-down and select ‘Update Style to Match’).
New Text Panel Designs
In the Online Content Catalog you can find some new Text Panel SmartShapes (short cut menu Insert >
Shapes > More Text Panels… but they are also under the Components > Print & Web Components in
the Content Catalog.
New Timeline SmartShapes (Premium - Mar 2017)
Timelines are common in many types of documents and particularly in presentations. The Timeline
Smartshape consists of a line with an object (or group of objects) repeated along its length with regular
spacing. You can increase or reduce the number of objects on the line, adjust their spacing, size, vertical
alignment, etc. using the SmartShape’s handles.
To insert a Timeline, use Insert > From Content Catalog > Components > Print & Web Components >
Timeline Handle Summary
End handles
Drag either end to change the length of the line, or rotate the whole line
Drag to adjust the spacing of the objects on the line and therefore determine how
much of the line sticks out on each end.
Click to add a copy of the rightmost object, or drag to add or remove multiple
objects. If nothing happens when you try to add a copy, that means there is not
enough space on the line to fit another copy. Try reducing the size of the objects
using the Size handle, or extending the line length by dragging it out.
Vertical offset
Drag to adjust the vertical positioning of the objects on the line.
Delete an object from the line.
Line width
Drag to adjust the width of the line
Change the size of the objects on the line.
Text Editing
Many of the timelines include text, which of course you can edit using the Text Tool. If you find you can’t fit
the text you want into the space available, try increasing the size of the objects on the line using the Size
handle and then select the text and reduce its font size, so you can fit more text in. If the change the font
Symbol Replacement
Some timelines include symbols that you will want to replace. Select the symbol inside by holding down
Ctrl and clicking on the symbol. Then right-click and choose Replace symbol… from the context menu.
Photo Features
Smart Photo Straighten/Scale
The Photo Tool includes a new ability to more easily scale, rotate, crop and pan clipped images
within their frame. This also makes it much easier to straighten the horizon on images without
introducing gaps in the corners, to create rounded corners on your photos, and to adjust the
shape of your photo frame without distorting (stretching) the photo.
In the Photo Tool click on a photo to show a set of new control handles, some around the outside edge of
the photo, some inside, on top of the photo:
As with SmartShapes, hold the mouse pointer over any handle to reveal a pop-up tip for that handle.
If the image is made larger than the frame (in other words clipped), which can happen if you reduce the
edges of the frame inwards, or use the rotate/scale handle in the top right to enlarge the image, then the
‘hand’ control can be used to re-position the image within the frame.
There are numerous benefits to this new method of manipulating photos:.
It’s super-easy to to scale and rotate the image within its frame, (like a masked operation) directly
from the Photo Enhance Tool.
Drag the outer top right corner to rotate the whole image (frame and photo).
Both rotate operations (internal and whole image) display the rotation angle as you rotate.
The side handles can be used to change the shape (aspect ratio) of the photo, but the image is never
stretched - it is scaled, keeping the correct aspect ratio, to fit whatever frame size you want.
Dragging the side handles inwards clips (masks) the image within the frame. Use the ‘hand’ to re-
position the clipped image within the frame.
It’s easy to adjust the horizon of landscape images, without introducing gaps in the corners.
It’s easy to give any photo an rounded corner.
If you rotate the image, all these operation remains functional
You can still use the Fill Tool to manipulate a photo fill, which works the way it always has.
To reset a photo back to its ‘best fit’ state, double click on the rotate/scale handle. To center the image in its
frame, double click on the ‘hand’ icon. To un-clip an image double-click on one of the side handles.
These smart photo operations also work with photos of any shape, not just rectangular photos and with
photos within groups and Soft Groups.
Updates (Nov 2016 / Mar 2017)
Smart photo editing has been improved so that as you drag the handles to adjust an image, a faint copy of
the full uncropped image is shown behind. This makes it easier to make adjustments because you can see
parts of the image that fall outside the crop area, as you drag the handles.
Also (Mar 2017) Smart Photo now behaves better with photos that don’t already fit into their frames (there
are unfilled gaps) - it no longer attempts to immediately remove the gaps as soon as you drag on a handle,
making small adjustments possible.
Photo Grids (Premium)
There are two new types of Photo Grids, which are a compact array of photos: Static Photo Grids, and
Smart Photo Grids.
You can find these in the Online Content Catalog under Components > Image resources > Photo Grids.
Static Photo Grid examples
Static Photo Grids
These are aesthetically pleasing arrays of photos, but in a fixed arrangement. You can replace any photo by
dragging a photo file (typically a JPG or PNG) from your Windows file explorer on top of any image in the
grid. You can then use the new photo tools described above to adjust the image with its frame, but it’s not
recommended you change the crop or size of the individual images.
Smart Photo Grids
This is a more flexible SmartShape that lets you display any collection of photos, even those with different
shapes and aspect ratios, in a compact grid. You can adjust the number of photos on each row, or number
of rows, drag re-order the photos, and adjust the gap between all the photos.
To show these SmartShape control handles, double click on the grid, or use the QuickShape Tool (Shift+F2).
In the Online Content Catalog (Menu Insert > From Content Catalog.. and select the category
Components > Image resources > Photo Grids). All the SmartShape photos (as opposed to the Static
ones) have ‘smart’ in the title.
You can also use the new Photo Controls on individual images, by going into the Photo Tool and clicking on
an image. Each time you replace an image, it puts you into this Photo Tool mode. To get back to the
SmartShape handles use the QuickShape Tool (Shift+F2) or go back to the Selector Tool and double click
Adding & Replacing Images
To replace an image with your own photo, just drag and drop a photo file from Windows Explorer (or from
the Bitmap Gallery if the photo is already in the current document). The image in the grid that you drop
onto is replaced with your photo and the grid automatically updates to fit your photo in. In this first
release you can’t adjust the crop of images within the grid, but we hope an update to SmartShape photo
grids will address this.
To add more images click the green ‘Add photo’ handle on the right end of each row, or drag the
‘Add/Remove rows’ handle at the bottom left of the grid to add a complete row.
Note, The height of a row is calculated by fitting the number of images in this row into the width of the grid.
So the more images per row, the less tall that row is, especially if the images are wide such as panorama
photos. Similarly rows containing just a single image will usually be taller.
There’s a Border width handle on the top left photo in the grid that lets you adjust the space between each
photo. You can have no space at all if you choose, but when you do have a border it’s simply empty space
between the photos so you see whatever is behind your photo grid. Therefore if you want to see
something other than the page background behind, just draw a rectangle behind and set its color or fill to
give the border effect you would like.
Thumbnails, Pop-ups, Reveal Animations
It’s likely you will want your photo grid to have pop-up functionality on your website (so clicking on an
image in the grid will pop-up an enlarged version) or perhaps one of the new reveal or scroll effects. You
can apply these effects to the whole Photo Grid in one go, and it will be applied to each of the individual
images. E.G. select the grid, open the Web Properties dialog, Image tab, and check the ‘pop-up photo’
checkbox (and adjust the pop-up options as required). Click Apply and now each image in the grid will pop-
up when clicked on your website.
Advanced: You can apply different effects to an individual photo in the grid by selecting ‘inside’. in
the Selector tool hold Ctrl and click the photo, now apply the required effect to this individual photos.
If you re-apply, or even adjust the effects to the whole grid again, it will overwrite any individual
More Grids Added (Nov 2016)
In Nov 2016 we added 23 new photo grids, and a new folder structure to make it easy to locate just the
right grid for your web page.
Photo Hovers (Premium)
In the Online Content Catalog (Components > Image Resources > Photo Hovers) there’s a small selection
of ready-made images combined with a mouse-over (often called hover) effects. As your hover over the
image on the website, it fades in a layer of text with a message, typically on a semi-transparent colored
The first six example are these new hover effects. Other items in this folder are older hover Widget objects,
that work a different way. The following applies to the Link and Pop-up examples. As the name implies the
‘link’ example have a link on the photo. The ‘pop-up’ example show a large pop-up when clicked.
A normal image, left, reveals a message as you mouse-over it, right.
To see the effect it’s necessary to preview you website, the usual way, by clicking the Preview Page
icon on the top line. Move the mouse-over the image to preview the animated effect.
To replace the image
Just drag a replacement image file from your Windows file explorer on top of the image. this will jump you
into the Photo Tool afterwards where you can use the new scale/rotate feature and of course any of the
Enhance effects on your photo. Note though, it’s not recommended that you crop the photo as the mouse-
over panel will not be cropped to match. Of course you can resize the image as required using the Selector
To edit the text or message
The message text and overlay effect is on another layer that has to be enabled in order to see and edit.
Using the Page & Layer Gallery expad the page section to view the layers. You’ll see a MouseOff and a
MouseOver layer, something like this:
To switch on the MouseOver layer, just click the red eye icon highlighted above. This shows the mouse-over
layer, where you can use the text Tool to edit the message as required. Hide the mouseover layer again
when you’re done editing.
How to change the link URL
If you just select the items in the Selector Tool, (the MouseOver layer must be hidden) a pop-up link
windows appear under the photo. Select the ‘change’ option which opens the link dialog.
More Filter Presets Added (Nov 2016)
In Nov 2016 we added 50 more new photo filter presets. The set of available presets is now separated into
sub-folders in the Content Catalog, but you can still download all of them to your Local Designs Gallery as
described above, for easy access.
More Filter Presets added (Mar 2017)
Approximately 40 additional presets were added in this update, including transparency effects and the
ability to apply multiple classes of filter to a photo, as descibed above.
Online Content Catalog Improvements
New Design
An enhanced Online Content Catalog is included free for one year as part of our new Update Service. It
now offers:-
Regular updates to the templates as part of the Update Service
Full keyword search of the entire catalog
A new more logical structure to the content offering a better work flow
Brand new Stock Photos and Stock Illustration sections - see below.
Stock Illustrations (July 2016)
In addition to stock photos, there’s now an
additional category of vector graphic ‘stock
illustrations’. All the images have keywords so you
can easily search for the graphic you want. Select
the Stock Illustrations category on the left side and
enter a search term, such as Frog - see left.
Because the original vector files vary enormously
in size, graphics larger than around 300px are
scaled down. Also un-grouped images, are placed
in a group for ease of manipulation.
Because this is vector clipart, it’s re-sizable to any size without loss of quality.
Local Designs Gallery
The Designs Gallery has now become the Local Designs Gallery. As the name implies, this now shows only
content that you have present locally on your device, either because it was installed with the program
using the optional backup CD, or was downloaded from the Content Catalog. This makes it easier to find
and access designs you use regularly.
The folder structure in the gallery still mirrors that of the Content Catalog and each folder in the gallery has
a link allowing you to jump straight into the corresponding folder in the Content Catalog, so you can easily
view what other content is available for download into that folder. Whenever you open or import a design
file from the Catalog, that file then appears in the Local Designs Gallery and so you can use it even when
Download Content to be Available Offline
As just mentioned the Design Gallery (right edge of the window) now shows content that has been
previously downloaded, that is cached on your local hard drive. This is therefore available while working
offline. For example if you download a button from the Online Content Catalog (from Components > Print
& Web Components > Buttons) then there will be a corresponding category created in the Local Designs
You can download the whole category (in this case
all the button designs), so they all available offline,
by right clicking on the category name, and
selecting this ‘Download All’ option.
Symbol Library
We’ve added Google’s Material Designs symbol
font to the symbol picker (menu Insert >
Symbol… and also from the Content Catalog) to
provide over 1500 high-quality open-source
vector symbols. These can be used as an
editable vector graphic on the page, or used as
an inline symbol font character in text. To insert
the symbol in the text, in the Text Tool, just
place the text caret where you want to insert
the symbol and select the symbol from the
If you insert the symbol on the page, it’s created
as a simple vector shape. You can adjust its fill,
shadow, outline.
Automatic Updates
The Font Awesome and Google Material Design
fonts are updated quite regularly with new
symbols. When this happens you’ll get a font
update prompt when you open the symbol
picker. It’s important that you choose to accept
these updates because the symbol picker and
Content Catalog always show symbols from the
newest font versions, so if you’re not up to date
you may find symbols you choose appears as a black rectangle.
Symbol Search
The symbol library is now searchable - enter a keyword in the search field at the top of the symbol picker to
find matching symbols in any of the symbol fonts supported. e.g. search for ‘face’ to find all Facebook
icons, or ‘credit card’ to find all credit card designs.
Replace Symbol
To replace a symbol, right-click on it and choose Replace symbol… from the context menu. This brings up
the symbol picker, where you can search for a new symbol. You can also use this operation in bulleted lists
to replace the symbol used for the bullet points. Place the text caret in the list, right-click and choose
Replace symbol…
Text Handling Improvements
Rectangular Repelling Option
bounding box of the object instead, ignoring its outline, as for the second ellipse below
This rectangular repelling option is also more efficient if your document or
website has long text flows and has a lot of repelling objects that are also
anchored to the text (as both ellipses here are). Therefore this is now the
default option when you turn repelling on for rectangular objects. Non-
rectangular objects, such as the above ellipses.
You can control the repel
margin - how close the text comes to the edge of the
repelling object.
You can access this dialog by right clicking on the item to
repel, and selecting the Repelling & Anchoring… option,
which also appears under the top level Arrange menu.
In addition to the repelling options for floating or anchored
images, there are ‘in-line’ wrapping options. Just paste an
image inline into the text, resize as required, and right click
and select the ‘Embedded graphic options..’. This dialog on
the right is an example of an embedded graphic set to ‘wrap
text left’ .
OpenType Font Kerning
Auto-kerning (the small adjustment of the overlap of certain pairs of letters such as ‘Aj’) in
earlier versions of Designer works only with older TrueType fonts. Work has been done to
support kerning on newer OpenType fonts, so now many newer OpenType fonts now render
with the correct kerning. Most modern web browsers also automatically support the correct
Change Case of Selected Text
Right-click on a text selection in the Text Tool and choose from the new Change case to… sub-menu in the
context menu.
Change Language for Entire Document
The spell-checker menu now includes options to change the language of all text in your document at once,
instead of having to set each text object separately.
Bullet & Numbered Lists
Extended List Properties Dialog (Nov 2016)
The List Properties dialog has been extended so that it now gives you much more control over how your
bulleted and numbered lists are presented, so it’s now much easier to get lists looking how you want.
To bring up the dialog, place the text caret in the list or sub-list that you want to modify, right-click and
choose List properties … from the context menu. The dialog is non-modal and all the changes you make
are applied immediately, so you can move the text caret to different lists/sub-lists at any time.
The first two fields in the dialog are as in previous versions of Designer and allow you to change the
number format and starting values in numbered lists.
Link to previous list of the same level (Nov 2016 & Mar 2017)
It’s now possible to connect two separate numbered lists so numbering of the second list carries from the
last number used of the previous list. This allows you to insert gaps, graphics, other paragraphs in the
middle of lists
In order to connect a list to a previous one, right click on the list
and select the menu ‘List Properties…’, to open the list
properties dialog (see screenshots above).
Check the ‘Link to previous list’ option to link lists. When you do
this the lists will take on a common numbering format.
This field allows you to change the size of the number or bullet
character for the list or sub-list at the caret.
Change the color of the bullet or number. You can either select a named color from the drop-down list, or
click the Edit button and use the color editor to choose a color. Once you have opened the color editor in
this way you can also click on any of the colors on the color line, if you want to choose a standard color.
In the Mar 2017 update the use of this option was extended to also work with bulleted lists and sub-lists.
When the option is checked, the current list picks up its settings from the previous list at the same level and
of the same type. So set this option on a bulleted sub-list and it will pick up the bullet symbol, margin,
indent, color, etc. settings from the previous sub-list of the same level.
Vertical Offset
This option allows you to adjust the vertical offset of the bullet/number relative to the list text. This is
particularly useful for bullet symbols because the vertical positions of these vary, so depending on which
symbols you choose for your bullets (see below), you will often find they don’t align nicely with the list text.
So use this vertical offset facility to adjust the alignment.
The indent is the space to the right of the numbers/bullets (the space between the numbers/bullets and
the start of the list text). So you can use the Indent controls to adjust this spacing for the list at the caret.
Some fonts have very few or no ligatures, others have many and may also include multiple Stylistic Sets
(see below). Ligatures are organised into the following groups and you can choose which groups to turn on
or off independently for any range of characters. Select a character range in the Text Tool and then click on
button on the end of the Advanced Text bar, to access the ligature options.
Under the Open Type Ligatures option, you can select any or all of the following groups, for the current
selected characters:
The default set of ligatures the font designer has provided.
Discretionary ligatures are usually decorative - to be applied at the discretion of the user.
Historical ligatures are mainly ornamental suggesting a historical context.
Stylistic Sets
Some fonts include alternative sets of ligature characters that the user can choose from, allowing more
flexibility. If any sets are available for any of the characters in the current text selection, they are listed
under the Stylistic Sets sub-menu, where they can be turned on and off independently.
Ligature settings can be used in text styles just like other text attributes.
Hidden Text Styles (Mar 2017)
Text styles can now be marked as “hidden” in the text styles properties dialog, which means they won’t
appear in the main styles list unless the text caret is located in text that uses that style. This is useful to
help avoid the styles list becoming too long in documents that use a lot of different styles. Some
SmartShapes such as the bar and column charts have their own text styles and these are now
automatically made hidden styles, so they don’t appear in the main styles list. Similarly the TOC styles used
for Tables of Contents are also hidden. Use the “Show hidden styles” option in the styles menu to have all
styles included in the styles list.
Additionally hidden styles can’t become current, so any new text you add to a design should never use a
hidden style by default.
Other Text Improvements (Nov 2016)
(Nov 2016) A Delete Style operation has been added to the styles menu. So you no longer need to
locate and remove every reference to a style in order to remove it from your document.
(July 2016) It’s easier and more predictable to select and cut or delete list items or single line
paragraphs (such as headings). If you select a whole line from start to end, including the Carriage
Return on the end, then a cut / delete will remove the whole list item. If you partially select a list item
or line (e.g. not from the start of the item, but including the end of the line), then cut / delete will no
longer join the following paragraph to this one.
(July 2016) Accidentally joining paragraphs of different styles and separating them again is more
Slight improved position and size of subscripts and superscripts.
(Mar 2017) Selecting ‘No style’ now removes the text style from the selected text without changing
the appearance of the text. This is useful in cases where you don’t want to change the appearance of
the text but you no longer wish it to pick up changes made to the text style in future. It’s also useful if
you have a heading that you don’t want to appear in an automatically generated Table Of Contents.
(Mar 2017) ‘No style’ is now included in the Name Gallery style list
Page & Layer Gallery - Object Naming
You can now give individual objects names in the Page & Layer Gallery, to help find objects and to organize
your designs. Change object names the same way you change layer and page names in the gallery - just
click on the name while the object is selected in the gallery, or right-click on it and choose Rename object.
Improved PDF import
Generally improved text reconstruction, including better justification detection and line spacing
Clipview optimization (removal of unnecessary clipviews)
Improved import of bulleted/numbered lists import
Many other small improvements (more in Nov 2016 and Mar 2017 updates).
Improved Word Import & Export (Premium)
Import of diagrams (SmartArt objects, art borders, picture effects and other constructs)
Many other small improvements and fixes to both import and export in Mar 2017 update.
Improved RTF Import & Export
Improved import of shapes, hyperlinks, text styles, gradients, transparency and many more improvements
and fixes.
A handy new page counter widge
New media player (audio and video) which utilizes the latest HTML5 capabilities of modern web
browsers, instead of relying on Flash.
It’s much easier to change the font or font size of a button. Now if you apply a font change to the
whole button text, if the mouse-over version uses the same font, it will also be changed to match.
If you’re using Windows 10, you’ll see a new button in the web preview window for previewing your
website in Microsoft’s new Edge browser.
Distribute operations added to Align toolbar.
(Mar 2017) Change width of all pages. Now if you change the width of one page in your document or
website, you are prompted to ask if the same change should be made to all pages.